Who were the Holy Saints John, and why they matter to Masons?

Freemasonry, an ancient and esteemed fraternal order, intertwines symbolism and tradition to convey its profound teachings. Among the symbols that hold deep meaning to Masons are the Holy Saints John—Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist. In this blog post, we delve into the significance of these holy figures within the context of Freemasonry and explore why they hold a special place in the hearts of Masons worldwide.

The Holy Saints John

Saint John the Baptist

Saint John the Baptist, often depicted as the precursor of Jesus Christ, is highly revered within Freemasonry. His character symbolizes moral rectitude, humility, and dedication to principles. Masons are encouraged to emulate his virtues, including integrity, truthfulness, and selflessness. Just as John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, Masons strive to prepare themselves by purifying their hearts and minds, embracing virtue, and exemplifying ethical conduct in their daily lives.

Saint John the Evangelist

Saint John the Evangelist, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, played a vital role in the spreading of Christ’s teachings. In Masonic symbolism, he represents wisdom, knowledge, and the pursuit of truth. John the Evangelist encourages Masons to seek enlightenment through the study of liberal arts and sciences, broadening their intellectual horizons, and expanding their understanding of the world. He symbolizes the transformative power of knowledge and the importance of seeking light in the darkness.

Festivals of the Holy Saints John

Freemasonry pays homage to the Holy Saints John through the celebration of two significant festivals: the Feast of Saint John the Baptist on June 24th and the Feast of Saint John the Evangelist on December 27th. These celebrations provide opportunities for Masons to reflect on the lives and virtues of the Saints, renew their commitment to Masonic principles, and honor their enduring legacy.

Influence on Masonic Rituals and Traditions

The Holy Saints John have deeply influenced Masonic rituals and ceremonies. Their names are often invoked during Masonic prayers, emphasizing the importance of moral virtue, divine guidance, and the quest for truth. Masonic lodges, bearing the names of the Saints, serve as reminders of their exemplary lives and provide sacred spaces for Masonic rituals and fellowship.

Symbolic Representation

Beyond their individual attributes, the Holy Saints John hold symbolic significance within Freemasonry. Saint John the Baptist represents the purification of the individual, the cleansing of vices, and the emergence of moral strength. Saint John the Evangelist embodies the intellectual pursuits, the acquisition of knowledge, and the embodiment of spiritual enlightenment. Together, they symbolize the harmonious integration of morality and knowledge in a Mason’s life.


The Holy Saints John, Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist, hold deep significance within Freemasonry. Their virtues of moral rectitude, wisdom, and pursuit of truth serve as guiding principles for Masons worldwide. By embracing the teachings and symbolism associated with these holy figures, Freemasons strive to lead virtuous lives, seeking personal transformation, and contributing positively to society. The Holy Saints John act as beacons of inspiration, reminding Masons of the noble ideals they strive to embody as they walk the Masonic path.

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